22/07/2007, 01:59 AM
Okay, so. Running 3.40OE... I've hacked the bejezus out of my vsh, I've redirected nearly every RCO onto the MS, I've used prx mods to change things around, I'm customizing my XMB beyond what I thought possible at this time two days ago.. IE, Camera now launches Bookr, LFTV has been moved to the bottom of my "Configuration" menu and is launching PatchSFO, Remote Play is on the "Programs" menu (renamed from "Game") launching Daedalus, Game Sharing has been swapped out for a full reboot prx and the icon/name changed accordingly. Here comes the interesting questions:
1) I've poked around the vsh.prx enough to notice that there's a batch of references, 0x3451C ~ 0x3498C, that seem to define a function name, then list the plugin and function required to run said function. For example, "htmlviewer_plugin flash0:/vsh/module/htmlviewer_plugin.prx htmlviewer_plugin_main" - Function name, plugin, and the function to init within the .prx to start up... I've also noticed multiple stretches that reference these defined functions, assumably to launch said plugins. (0x36010 ~ 0x36440) Question is, does anyone here have the knowhow to add one of the afore-mentioned definitions for oh, say, ptv_plugin.prx? At which point, an eboot loader prx could be used to do other interesting things, giving us crazy fsckers three more icons to launch toys with....
2) Despite having changed the XMB background/font colors for the 12 themes, as well as the 01-12.bmp (redirected to ms0:/psp/system/backs.pak) images, the PSP still fades in, for example, red - the month's original color - during boot after the intro wave, then drops to the 'proper' color scheme. Anyone know where that is? I'm assuming opening_plugin.rco but I haven't looked yet.
Thanks in advance.
1) I've poked around the vsh.prx enough to notice that there's a batch of references, 0x3451C ~ 0x3498C, that seem to define a function name, then list the plugin and function required to run said function. For example, "htmlviewer_plugin flash0:/vsh/module/htmlviewer_plugin.prx htmlviewer_plugin_main" - Function name, plugin, and the function to init within the .prx to start up... I've also noticed multiple stretches that reference these defined functions, assumably to launch said plugins. (0x36010 ~ 0x36440) Question is, does anyone here have the knowhow to add one of the afore-mentioned definitions for oh, say, ptv_plugin.prx? At which point, an eboot loader prx could be used to do other interesting things, giving us crazy fsckers three more icons to launch toys with....
2) Despite having changed the XMB background/font colors for the 12 themes, as well as the 01-12.bmp (redirected to ms0:/psp/system/backs.pak) images, the PSP still fades in, for example, red - the month's original color - during boot after the intro wave, then drops to the 'proper' color scheme. Anyone know where that is? I'm assuming opening_plugin.rco but I haven't looked yet.
Thanks in advance.