Endless Paradigm

Full Version: My 3D Modelling
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also my DOGE

[Image: x_001.jpg?1388845910]
Oh dear... Now he truly is everywhere.

But still cool :P
thanks vacui natale
yeh doge is everywhere XD iv sold so many doge heads on the mp~ this is my second one..
my first was sooooo bad!!!

jet set radio spray can model with occlusion mapping
[Image: abZdkTI.png]
[Image: iKD4PPG.png]
[Image: matoi-ryuuko-normal-clothes.jpg]
[Image: TfGnnq7.png]

Modeling an outfit to wear in sl of ryuuko from kill la kill

Going to look more like a cosplay costume rather then a 1.1 copy of her outfit. as the base model im working with is far from her proportions
That's gonna be shweet.
[Image: kJ9QjWU.png]
[Image: PodHHmJ.png]
[Image: omu1fDq.png]
[Image: uUfNyu1.png]
[Image: qOMe8Js.png]

Going to remove the bow at the front and make flatter low poly model
[Image: AJNSkTV.png]
Just wait till you start rendering...that should be fun!
I upload my models into a game
I don't have any/much intrest in rendering my models for pictures or animation perposes
Maybe I'll do some rendering for my virtual on charecter and deadmau5 head

Wich I should finish as it allmost done
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