15/12/2013, 02:21 PM
Pages: 1 2
15/12/2013, 02:47 PM
Used the P3textractor and all I get is:
Even after removing the .edat from the end of the file name :/
Seems to have no problem extracting the other p3t files I have. Anything successfully extracted appears in a folder titled "extracted.themenamehere.p3t".
Even after removing the .edat from the end of the file name :/
Seems to have no problem extracting the other p3t files I have. Anything successfully extracted appears in a folder titled "extracted.themenamehere.p3t".
15/12/2013, 03:06 PM
Vacui Natale Wrote: [ -> ]Used the P3textractor and all I get is:
Even after removing the .edat from the end of the file name :/
Seems to have no problem extracting the other p3t files I have. Anything successfully extracted appears in a folder titled "extracted.themenamehere.p3t".
No I decrypted the file & dumped it here is the decrypted one. but now wee are at a new road block I can't extract the art from anim_1.jpg
15/12/2013, 04:00 PM
Found a somewhat TuT on how to get into the anim_1 file, but I can't get it to work =(
I'm sure someone has made a gui for this by now lol
Quote:Ok first you need p3textraxtor.exe to extract the .p3t to get the anim_1. Once you have the anim_1 you have to rename it to : “coldboot.raf” and then you have to open this file with an exadecimal editor like winhex for example. You have to do this because the anim_1 its encripted and you have to decode the anime_1 to finally decompress the anim_1 called now coldboot.raf to get the files that are inside like DDS for example. Ok open the coldboot.raf with the exadecimal editor and delete the first 16 digits and save. Then you need another program simplyzip to decompress the anim_1 (coldboot.raf). Now open the coldboot.raf with simplyzyp and go to the tool bar of the program in : “external progs” and select ZLIB pack/unpack and there you have to find the file to decompress in this case the coldboot.raf and then select decompress and press start. Ok now you have the coldboot.raf decompressed and you can rename it if you like and then this decompress coldboot you have to drag and drop it to p3textraxtor.exe to get the files that are inside the anim_1 (coldboot). You need a gtf2dds.exe to convert the gtf files to dds to use these with photoshop and first you have to rename the files in this case the dds from this : .gtf_1.gim to this .gtf. Then drag and drop all the .gtf files to the tool gtf2dds.exe. That's it and went the app finish the process you will get all the dds ready to work :) By the way: This tool gtf2dds its inside the folder files provided by Glowball in the slide show tutorial.this was posted by a guy named Faxtron
I'm sure someone has made a gui for this by now lol
15/12/2013, 06:54 PM
making some head way I got the DDS files out of the anim_1 file. just have to work out how to oeen them lol
15/12/2013, 07:36 PM
Got her =)
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