Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Grand Theft Auto V Disscussion
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TatsuyaXD Wrote: [ -> ]My body is ready.

[Image: 1236820_10200617284267949_1066809546_n.jpg]

Very nice

Mythos Wrote: [ -> ]i also got it yesterday.. not much time atm, will continue to play later this evening :3

yay mythi
Needs a PC version, all I can say.
There will be a PC version.  Lets not have this thread turn into "wantz pcz ver"
Apparently the leaked 360 copy confirms a PC version to be out in the near future.
Joomy Wrote: [ -> ]Apparently the leaked 360 copy confirms a PC version to be out in the near future.

Indeed - PS4 was in the code as well.
I do not have the game.
But I lol'd at "GAT V"
^ I lol'd
This is a perfect BGM while playing:

<3 Queen
can't wait to get some EP online action going. i haven't had much of a chance to play the game so it may take a couple of weeks for me to complete the main story
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