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I got that ol' anime question I'm hoping you'll help me get answers for - what should I watch next?

I'm watch a couple of titles with people already (let me know if you too want to watch stuff with me <3) and the only title I'm watching by myself now is Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun which is nice but I'm not in the mood for soppy romance all the time - right now more often than not I'm wanting something serious to watch but after Monster (yeah, exactly) god damn I don't know what to go for next.

If you can think of something and ain't already somewhere on my list except for "Plan to Watch" please let me know~!

Thanking you~!
wait wait wait, according to the list. You saw Nichijou but you did not see Danshi Koukousei no Ichijo.

Watch that.

Both good recs but I am looking for something a tad more serious than those two.

Edit: @eku is Danshi Koukousei no Ichijo like Nichijou much? Slapstick?
Yeah it's Nichijou but with high school guys (theres a mini segment at the end of each episode based on girls too)

If you want serious watch Evangelion

Oh and BOkurano too, very underrated anime.
I've been watching Rebuild of Eva, which I've enjoyed so far. 3.33 is waiting for me but I'm waiting for someone to watch it. I'll watch the original version afterwards at some point..

Good shout on Bokurano that did catch my interest in the past//...
squee666 Wrote: [ -> ]Dagenropo

I've not heard of that before... neither has anything else it seems. Typo?
Maybe he was talking about Danganronpa?

Closest anime title to that one that comes to mind for me
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe he was talking about Danganronpa?

Closest anime title to that one that comes to mind for me

Thanks Eku - looks like it probably is. Looks and sounds quite fun actually. I'd have took it a bit more seriously if a bear wasn't chosen as the headmaster xD
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