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Full Version: PPSSPP - PSP emulator for all platforms
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Pages: 1 2
Cirehpsa Wrote: [ -> ]Doesn't play pangya golf as far as I can remember

Might have changed now. I also noticed it important to get the latest builds by users, not just the 0.8.1 it has on the site. Scroll right down the bottom of the downloads page to see the latest revisions and builds. I had major sound problems for most my games but once I got a later 64bit build it was all solved.
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]
Cirehpsa Wrote: [ -> ]Doesn't play pangya golf as far as I can remember

Might have changed now. I also noticed it important to get the latest builds by users, not just the 0.8.1 it has on the site. Scroll right down the bottom of the downloads page to see the latest revisions and builds. I had major sound problems for most my games but once I got a later 64bit build it was all solved.

Latest version still can't play Pangya.
Crashes on iso launch :<
might try it in my pc, so that i can hook it up with my big lcd tv then instant hd collections hehehe
krystabegnalie Wrote: [ -> ]might try it in my pc, so that i can hook it up with my big lcd tv then instant hd collections hehehe

That's seriously the magic of it.
Haven't been checking the PSP emulation progress.  The emulators have been in development for a while, so it's good to see that they've made some good progress!

Somewhat of a compatibility list: http://forums.ppsspp.org/forumdisplay.php?fid=13

Another one to check out is JPCSP (PC only).  Compatibility: http://www.emunewz.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=65

I haven't yet tried either.
Bump on the latest version of PPSSPP

Pangya is now playable + nice improvements especially on the sound emulation Woo

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