Endless Paradigm

Full Version: DraStic - Full Speed DS Emulator now available in Android
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Good thing I got a galaxy note, I still just frown upon the fact that modern design rules out any physical controls other than the screen. This makes the experience much less enjoyable than just, y'know, playing on a real ds.

I just don't think anything is worth emulating (apart from the educational experience of "I can do it!" / technical achievement) if the experience is always going to be worse than just having the actual system.

Which is probably why I use console emulation mostly, because those experiences can be even better than their original counterparts. Which is probably why I have a bunch of handhelds.

EDIT: Nvidia shield looks nice for this though, still kinda funky.
Shame this emu won't work on my LG Optimus Q...   Just crashes on boot...   :(
Tetris999 Wrote: [ -> ]Good thing I got a galaxy note, I still just frown upon the fact that modern design rules out any physical controls other than the screen. This makes the experience much less enjoyable than just, y'know, playing on a real ds.

I just don't think anything is worth emulating (apart from the educational experience of "I can do it!" / technical achievement) if the experience is always going to be worse than just having the actual system.

Which is probably why I use console emulation mostly, because those experiences can be even better than their original counterparts. Which is probably why I have a bunch of handhelds.

EDIT: Nvidia shield looks nice for this though, still kinda funky.

yeah same here, though this is a better achievement than the other ds emus that can run only several games, ds emus on android phones/tablets is good for games that only uses mainly the touch screen interface, mainly Ace Attorney series or 999, tried playing EBA in this emu and i could say its more playable (but still stylus playing in ds is still more accurate)

playing Hotel Dusk 215 in my phone is a dream come true, hehehe

@Mr. Shizzy
i think it won't work in non-dual core phones, or have tegra 2 chips in it
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