Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Fall 2013 Anime Chart v3.0
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Note: Remember, this is v2.0, which means, that there could be more Anime to be added and tittles that could change until the Chart is officially complete.

I will be updating the chart as it gets Updating.

Here: http://puu.sh/4BbUW.png

v2.0 Changelog from v1.0: http://neregate.com/blog/2013/07/12/fall...#changelog

I'm most exited for the Persona 3 movie. Hiding_something
White Album 2? Awesome. The first one is one of the more mature, emotional animes I've watched.

Galilei Donna
Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai!
Too early~ D:

Chuunibyou and Persona the Movie
Ore no Nounai
Kikou Shoujo

Hopefully a lot more to come!
Interesting movies, though you probably won't get to see them until the BD/DVDs are released a year later...
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Interesting movies, though you probably won't get to see them until the BD/DVDs are released a year later...

I'm still watching older stuff from previous seasons... I'll probably only watch White Album 2 from this one.
Still need to watch White Album.

Galilei Donna has me curious.. otherwise..
.. maybe Golden Time?
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]Still need to watch White Album.
White Album 2 has no real relation to White Album except for a few references.

Also it should be a lot better than White Album, asuming the studio doesn't screw up too hard.
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]Still need to watch White Album.
White Album 2 has no real relation to White Album except for a few references.

Also it should be a lot better than White Album, asuming the studio doesn't screw up too hard.

Oh cool - thanks for pointing that out. I'll check it out anyway, then.
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