Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Fall 2013 Anime Chart v3.0
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hmm. theres a few in here that i might check out.

namely. the persona 3 movie
Chart updated.

The v2 charts are known for their numerous changes, and this one’s no exception.
A ton of changes for this one! The changelog might come in handy.
Updated to 3.1

v3 is already out for a while now....

[Image: 4VxxW.png]
yeah agree,

my watchlist for this fall

BlazBlue Alter Memory
Freezing Vibration
Hajime no Ippo Rising
Kuroko no Basuke Second Season
Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Come o Zenryoku de Jama chocolateeiru

ill try to watch first the first seasons of the once i have not yet watched (White Album 2, Little Busters Second Season)
Nothing particularly catches my attention right now.
Unbreakable Machine-Doll exceeded my expectations (first 4 episodes).

[Image: fnct.jpg]

[Image: 787l.jpg]
Enjoying KILL la KILL. Good fun.
So the season is over. There were some good shows.

Non Non Biyori was a very pleasant slice of life anime. It was very charming and comfy! 10 outta 10
Yozakura Quartet was another that I think a lot of people overlooked. It was pretty decent, didn't think I'd enjoy it as much as I did. Very likeable cast too. 10 OUTTA 10

Unbreakable Machine Doll was pretty entertaining apart from that weird awkward CGI lol.

ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Unbreakable Machine-Doll exceeded my expectations (first 4 episodes).

Did you watch the entire series?

Kyousougiga was another that I think many overlooked. Very colorful artstyle with a somewhat decent story. It lost me at one point though lol. That's what I get for not paying full attention though.
oh and uh Kyoukai No Kanata too. Pretty good too. I think those are all the shows I watched from start to end. There were a few others but I lost interest halfway or after the first episode.
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Unbreakable Machine-Doll exceeded my expectations (first 4 episodes).

Did you watch the entire series?
Not yet, will finish soon.  I've actually been watching them in batches of 4 episodes, since they coincide with the story arcs.  Up to final 4, and am finding it difficult to imagine that the story ends there.  The show is fairly fast paced I suppose, but even then, I can't imagine everything ending there...  If it doesn't end, perhaps it's being kept open for a 2nd season.
It definitely doesn't end there. You'll see what I mean once you reach the last episode
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