I open this thread just to let you know that I and another group of people .... Wee were organizing a live action movie of Final Fantasy VIII .... and as a trailer to be released, wee had the opening.
Now I know that the Giants are no words to say FILM ... but wee say that wee are organizing between expenses and everything to achieve something spectacular to idolize ff8 in all his ways ...
For those who want to follow, I leave the link of the facebook page:
The project is Italian but wee will make it (the movie) also English.
As soon as possible ... as soon as wee have something ready ... and when I say ready, I say Improved OFFICIALLY be used in the movie and will post pictures of the actors / Weapons / Clothes etc.
So sorry in advance if the page is not so much "full" of stuff but I guarantee that I will sometimes entertain you by post or artwork that I create myself in murdering the time ^ ^
That said, thank you all for your attention .. and those who love ff8 and I want to see a movie, follow us ;)
wow nice wee would look forward to it!
so i wonder if you're team will utilize some full cg animation together with live action sequences? i hope i could watch your teaser!
Good luck on making it, hope things work out well for you!
Nice artwork By the way.
krystabegnalie Wrote: [ -> ]wow nice wee would look forward to it!
so i wonder if you're team will utilize some full cg animation together with live action sequences? i hope i could watch your teaser!
Off course! in this moment I'm still creating the gunblade 3d...so i can use it for make it fall from the sky to the ground..and after that use the original one in steel for make the next scene....so Yes will be a mix of live act. and cg.
![[Image: 1069401_131663420376678_1722985243_n.jpg]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/1069401_131663420376678_1722985243_n.jpg)
Here the gunblade...i think is good ;) And now i just need to copy from the opening the fall of the gunblade....will be great!
And here a track example rearranged by Francesco OverNoize (in less of 2 hours)...our producer...hope you enjoy ^^ and this is just a taste of all....
Track Example
there can only be one man for the role(s):
![[Image: tumblr_mqrgikpSZq1rwnp75o1_500.jpg]](http://24.media.tumblr.com/13e289b5a9484688b93be72a8d314a88/tumblr_mqrgikpSZq1rwnp75o1_500.jpg)
andrewcc Wrote: [ -> ]there can only be one man for the role(s):
![[Image: tumblr_mqrgikpSZq1rwnp75o1_500.jpg]](http://24.media.tumblr.com/13e289b5a9484688b93be72a8d314a88/tumblr_mqrgikpSZq1rwnp75o1_500.jpg)
You made my day with this pic X°D
i wonder how this project went? hehehe