Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [56k+] PlayStation 4 Hardware Design
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^ I lol'd!

Also, $300 (+$499 yesterday) just spent on pre-orders. FutureShop has all E3 announced titles as $20 off.
i dunno if i want to pre-order a console. maybe i will end up waiting until January to get a PS4
Pre-ordering one later on today.
It's going to be awesome.
I'm learning how to code just so i can get on making homebrew for the next gen of game consoles.At the pace im reading it might take a while in the ps4/wii-u's life cycle before i can be of any real use/help.
as a current ps+ subscriber, i will only download the free ps4 games monthtly so that when i will got a ps4 later this year or next year i already have a game that i will not buy from a store lool
krystabegnalie Wrote: [ -> ]as a current ps+ subscriber, i will only download the free ps4 games monthtly so that when i will got a ps4 later this year or next year i already have a game that i will not buy from a store lool

Well you won't be able to access the ps4 store from ps3, and I don't think the PSWebstore will let you nab ps plus stuff from it sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Unless you have a PS4 you're screwed on that plan mate.

And that is just the Controller.
No1sy B0y Wrote: [ -> ][VIDEO]

And that is just the Controller.
I'm just upset they didn't bundle the eye. Sure they don't have to make it mandatory, but it would be nice that I didn't have to purchase another accessory in the future. I'd rather have it and not use it, then not have it and want to use it.
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