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Full Version: Hosting a home server
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Hey computer geniuses/randoms just browsing this thread.

I'm thinking about setting up a web server on my computer since it's always running and no bandwidth cap, plus I can spare the CPU cycles since it will only be accessed by me and a few close friends. I don't have the resources to set up a dedicated server at the moment.

I know how to set up an Apache webserver to run on Windows.

What I want to know is if I can/how I can set up basic connection encryption, say SSL, with a self-generated certificate?
From memory, SSL certs are tied to domains, so there could be complications if you aren't using one (or your IP constantly changes).
But if it's self signed, they'll probably have to add an exception for your server anyway.

So basically you just generate a key pair, self sign it and put it into your Apache config.
that and setting up a dynamic dns is quite simple these days
squee666 Wrote: [ -> ]that and setting up a dynamic dns is quite simple these days

Yep my dynamic DNS is already set.

I'm going to take a shot at this tonight.
Dunno if you're just doing this for the learning experience or not, but getting an actual certificate rather than a self-signed one would be better if you're going to run an actual site. Also, I guess it depends on the ISP, but many don't like it when you run a site without a business tier plan. Anyway, you can get a free cert here.

Joomy Wrote: [ -> ]Dunno if you're just doing this for the learning experience or not, but getting an actual certificate rather than a self-signed one would be better if you're going to run an actual site. Also, I guess it depends on the ISP, but many don't like it when you run a site without a business tier plan. Anyway, you can get a free cert here.


Yep just a learning experience. I should mention the 'website' will be a file upload site and I just don't want snooping. Really, all it was going to be was an FTP server (which I have), but the computer illiterate don't know how to use/don't have access to an FTP client. So it will be a simple Login » Choose file to upload » Show all files » Click to download.
Thanks for the help guys. I manged to get the server running with an SSL connection.
Just an update. I got PHP and SQL setup and running. Never did this from scratch before. Fun experience.
I presume you didn't use a pre-made package like XAMPP or WAMP?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Woot.
I presume you didn't use a pre-made package like XAMPP or WAMP?

I learned about those after I already started. So I figured, why not go the manual way an learn more since I'm already on that path.
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