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i was looking for main text color alpha from paf.prx, and despite not finding it yet, here's my diecoveries so far;
i went through EVERY offset from 0xBCC to 0x18F8 that defaults to 1 one by one.

new values (missing from my bookmarks i got from the ctftoolgui for 660 package.)

and yeah THIS IS FROM 6.60 paf.prx

0xEFC=Alpha of ALL subtext and icons (everything but main categories) 1      
0xEC0=Alpha Color of Unfocused Subtext 1    
0xEBC=Alpha Color of MAIN CATEGORY TEXT after you go to submenu 1          
0xEE0=Alpha of color of focused subtext until you go in to submenu 1
0xF04=Alpha of ALL subtext only (no icons) 1      
0x1044=Alpha Color of text under line and settings right side above line 1        
0x1054=Alpha of text under line and focused text on right side of settings 1            
0x10FC=Alpha color of Main Text/little arrow and main icons 1      
0x1108=Alpha of Main Text after you go in and out of submenu 1            
0x16F4=ZOOM VALUE OF XMB (0.5 = small XMB at middle of screen / 0 = black screen) 1    
0x1724=Alpha of foregroiund objects (clock / sub/subsub menu text and items) 1      
0x1730=Alpha of all submenu items until you move in menu 1              
0x1740=Alpha of Wallpaper 1  
0x1744=changing this to 0 completely fudges up XMB position when you enter submenu 1            
0x1748=ZOOM VALUE OF XMB again 1
0x1768=Alpha of everything except main icons and text 1        
0x176C=Alpha of all content (main / sub icons & text / game icon (not pic0/pic1)) 1    
0x1770=Alpha of everything except clock + zoom of xmb content except clock 1 (0 = black screen)                  
0x1778=setting this to 0 draws menus ontop of each other and fudges up alpha of everything 1
0x1774=setting this to 0 draws menus ontop of each other and fudges up alpha of everything 1.0001                
0x1790=set to 0 and it disables systemsounds / generates default wave even without it's model present and bricks the psp 1                  
0x1798=Set to 0 to brick. 1      
0x17E4=0 = brick (again) 1    
0x1828=Alpha of all text everywhere 1              
0x1854=Alpha of main text, clock and infoscreen text 1        
0x185C=Alpha of all submenu text except SCROLLING text under line in settings. 1    
0x1868=Alpha of all text everywhere again 1      
0x1870=something to do with the little icons of infobar (the button icons turn into grey boxes when 0) 1            
0x1884="options" popup text AND font shadow alpha 1      
0x18B0=Alpha of all text everywhere again 1      
0x18DC=Clock Shadow alpha 1  
0x18F0=Alpha R or G or B of all text everywhere 1 (set to 0 turns text gradiently transparent from down to up) 1        
0x18F4=Alpha R or G or B of all text everywhere 1 (set to 0 turns text gradiently transparent from up to down) 1

- Mugi
sorry for doubleposting but here's new updates.

6.60 PAF.PRX.

0x1A4=0 = black screen with buggy wave 1      
0x1A8=0 = black screen 1    
0x1AC=0 = black screen 1
0x1C8=0 = black screen 1
0x1D0=0 = black screen 1
0x1D4=0 = black screen 1
0x21C=Turns main text black and breaks main icons until you exit submenu, then icons work and maintext vanishes 1        
0x280=Alpha of Main icons 1    
0x204=Makes main icons and text vanish until you exit submenu 1

0x318=Main Text Color Alpha (0 = black main text, settings, extras photo, video etc...) 1
oh fudge yeah!
Awesome work dude!
0xA98=Width of scrolling text under line 324
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