Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [3DS] The EP Friends List
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I don't play that much but 2294-4105-3559 :3
Added krystabegnalie, Kittykate and myself to the list!
My Friend Code: 2337-3204-8262

I don't play much either, at the moment <.>
Added Natale and Sensei. Still waiting on Luna and a few others.
Alright. I've added everyone on the list who I haven't added already.
Added everyone

Only multiplayer games I have atm are Pokemon X and Luigi's Mansion.
Added everyone
here's mine 4613-9474-7318
I got everyone but Ryu, EchoFrost, Bou, and Syfe's dupe.
my dupe? i also rarely check this thread so..

yeah that will be fixed soon
You had two codes on the X/Y thread.
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