Endless Paradigm

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Sure am :)  sPa/\/\ For the win!

Zora 182 Wrote:Usually ppl want less sPa/\/\....
Pfft.  Why try to stop it?  I encourage embracing this wonderful meat!
Anybody seen the sPa/\/\ sketch on Monty Python's Flying Circus? Brilliant.
Hey Liquid!!!

And yeah, I've seen that "sPa/\/\" sketch many times.  Anyone have a YouTube link?
I made out Zinga!
so now what?

wee sPa/\/\?
Hey ZiNgA! Great job on your popstation GUI as usual.
Sparker Wrote:I made it Zinga!
so now what?

wee sPa/\/\?

Yep :)
Though I need to find something more interesting to put here...  Got any ideas?

@Liquid: Hey thanks again :D
@Sparker: Wee sPa/\/\.

AND double post. ThE cRaZiEnEsS!!!!
Liquid Wrote:AND double post. ThE cRaZiEnEsS!!!!

Listen to Liquid, for he is wise and you are not.
I wish I was as wise as the wise Liquid.
That is impossible, sorry. You can come close though. First, send me all your money and belongings. Only when you have nothing will you understand all.
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