04/03/2013, 04:21 AM
04/03/2013, 05:45 PM
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Then again, the news source...
"the news source"?
you need to focus on the message not the messenger
04/03/2013, 05:52 PM
I bet.....the next time a kid plays pokemon in school, they'll shut down the school for animal fighting. 

04/03/2013, 09:38 PM
cboushell Wrote: [ -> ]ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Then again, the news source...
"the news source"?
you need to focus on the message not the messenger
"The user cboushell was shot by a messenger, just minutes ago.
cboushell was, at the time, preaching about why one should never 'shoot the messenger' in front of a small audience. He argued that critique should always be placed on the message itself, not the one who delivered it, and also spoke about Ad Hominem fallacies often committed.
In a bout of irony, a news reporter from FOXNews in the audience pulled out a handgun and shot cboushell. It is unknown what the shooter's motives were at this point, but the rest of the audience laughed after the shot landed. After the realisation of what had just happened finally hit the audience, laughter quickly turned to panic, but the shooter was contained and cboushell was rushed to hospital."
- ZiNgA "don't shoot me" BuRgA News®
04/03/2013, 11:19 PM
06/03/2013, 07:45 AM
06/03/2013, 06:46 PM
Lowering the Bar Wrote:UPDATE II: School Offers Counseling for Students Troubled by Pastry-Gun Incident
The elementary school that was the scene of Josh's brutally harmless rampage sent students home Friday with a letter describing the incident as if it had actually been serious:
Quote: Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am writing to let you know about an incident that occurred this morning in one of our classrooms and encourage you to discuss this matter with your child in a manner you deem most appropriate.
During breakfast this morning, one of our students used food to make inappropriate gestures that disrupted the class. While no physical threats were made and no one [was] harmed, the student had to be removed from the classroom.
* * *
As you are aware, the ... Code of Student Conduct and appropriate consequences related to violations of the code are clearly spelled out in the Student Handbook, which was sent home during the first week of school and can be found on our website, http://www.aacps.org....
If your children express that they are troubled by today's incident, please talk with them and help them share their feelings. Our school counselor is available to meet with any students who have the need to do so next week. In general, please remind them of the importance of making good choices.
07/03/2013, 08:24 AM
Joomy Wrote: [ -> ]Funky Buddah Wrote: [ -> ]eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]Funky Buddah Wrote: [ -> ]I wish Republicans won. They wouldn't have let this spoon happen.
Wat. It's true.
No. Wee do not need anymore Republicans. Their conservative views are disgusting.
Actually Reps are more liberal than Dems, if wee regard the whole idea of economic liberalism. Dems are going socialist.
But the fact is, Reps can handle economy better. It's always been like that.
07/03/2013, 09:35 AM
Funky Buddah Wrote: [ -> ]Joomy Wrote: [ -> ]Funky Buddah Wrote: [ -> ]eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]Funky Buddah Wrote: [ -> ]I wish Republicans won. They wouldn't have let this spoon happen.
Wat. It's true.
No. Wee do not need anymore Republicans. Their conservative views are disgusting.
Actually Reps are more liberal than Dems, if wee regard the whole idea of economic liberalism. Dems are going socialist.
But the fact is, Reps can handle economy better. It's always been like that.
Pretty sure he wasn't talking about the economy when he said that.
No, Republicans are not more liberal than Democrats, especially since they are so focused on stripping rights from people. Also, what the fudge does the economy have to do with anything in this thread?
07/03/2013, 11:37 AM
Actually, to be honest, Libertarians are to be voted for in that case. But as there is no point in doing that (since when does anything except Dem/Rep count?), Reps are the best choice, IMO.