Endless Paradigm

Full Version: How to get better/accepting commissions
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Seriously, tell me how well off I am on this.
I need some constructive criticism and the link from my images to post on another site :P

So!... judge me.... and ask me to draw If
... well, commissions are more of requests and are totally free :P
13thprotector Wrote: [ -> ]Seriously, tell me how well off I am on this.
I need some constructive criticism and the link from my images to post on another site :P

So!... judge me.... and ask me to draw If
... well, commissions are more of requests and are totally free :P

Hope I'm not misunderstanding this post. You wanting to be asked to draw, right? Would you like to have a go at a sig for me? I had a go recently, but it's nowt special. I don't mind if not, but if you do, I'm obsessed with Bleach currently.
Well, I'm not up to date on a lot of things, but I am willing to draw so I can increase my skills. :P
What's a sig, if you'll refresh my memory, I haven't but just gotten into Bleach and I'm lost in it since all they show is reruns
13thprotector Wrote: [ -> ]Well, I'm not up to date on a lot of things, but I am willing to draw so I can increase my skills. :P
What's a sig, if you'll refresh my memory, I haven't but just gotten into Bleach and I'm lost in it since all they show is reruns

A sig is the pic that shows underneath people's posts. Have a look at some other people's on here, some sigs look amazing. Mine does not haha!! I can make pretty cool themes I think, but when it comes to big computer drawings, I suck lol.
hnn... your image is blocked from my view... I am on a school computer and lots of stuff I cannot see :P
So you'll need to explain to me about whom you want me to draw.... sorry.
Draw everyday, you'll get better...
But since you offered to draw something..... I want to see a drawing of Zaraki from Bleach lol
u Burning bro? :p

okay heres a challenge for you

make something like this:
nissan cefiro a31
to be drawn in to something like this

[Image: wp280.jpg]

A very manly pikachu....you have until one fortnight or I cut your legs off.

nice drawings btw :p
So: Zaraki from Bleach, nissan cefiro a31, and a very manly pikachu? Doesn't sound to hard, it'll take me a while to make them though :P
Go check out my Deviantart, I'm still just 13thprotector there :P

Also, check out the attachment of my school's mascot, wee're the Atlanta Rabbits and I thought that something fierce and awesome would do good for our already anime-esque rabbit when they were looking for a new design... they said they wanted something cute and fluffy like they have always done and I frowned to them, instead they went with an easter bunny rabbit and wee lost every last football game in the season... I no longer want to help them for their insolence, the rabbits were mauled by the bulldogs, the tigers, the lions, the wolves, the grizzly bears, etc. predators all of them to our rabbit....
13thprotector Wrote: [ -> ]So: Zaraki from Bleach, nissan cefiro a31, and a very manly pikachu? Doesn't sound to hard, it'll take me a while to make them though :P
Go check out my Deviantart, I'm still just 13thprotector there :P

Also, check out the attachment of my school's mascot, wee're the Atlanta Rabbits and I thought that something fierce and awesome would do good for our already anime-esque rabbit when they were looking for a new design... they said they wanted something cute and fluffy like they have always done and I frowned to them, instead they went with an easter bunny rabbit and wee lost every last football game in the season... I no longer want to help them for their insolence, the rabbits were mauled by the bulldogs, the tigers, the lions, the wolves, the grizzly bears, etc. predators all of them to our rabbit....

And when you've done Zaraki, make it into a sig for me please :D

Something like Zaraki, on whichever background you choose, with my username in the Bleach logo style on there. Thanks in advance.
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