and the beginning of level 3, which i didn't get past. i suck at these, and this one's tough.
I remember that guy, I hated him so much, but got past him in a few tries. (On DC, I never played the GC version)
Right now the worst boss I can remember facing was back on the SNES, in Sunset Riders the boss from the 5th stage, his name was El Greco and he had a whip and shield. When I played that as a kid I could NEVER beat that fudgeer. I even counted the number of times I tried over the first weekend I rented it (93 times). I rented it a few other times and still never beat that guy, the only time I got past him was when someone else was playing with me. Then 7 years later when I first played it on and emulator it only took 4 tries. Maybe I just really sucked at that game as a kid, either way that's the worst one I can remember for the time being.
Oh and that Native guy on the next stage was a bitch too, I could actually beat him when I was a kid though.
At least now I can normally handle boss fights for most games in (at the most) a few tries.
Freya - (Star ocean ]|[) too much HP and she uses her ultra-hurting attack most often.
Mir (Ar Tonelico) huge and mostly impossible
Sephiroth (Kingdom Hearts ][) heh. he was annoying. too many combo attacks.
Blue testament (Xenosaga ]|[) agghhh he aims for your weaker characters first.
IMO, it was Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts. He'd always slash you right as you were trying to heal or pull off some big move, and he'd always do his gay Sin Harvest thing when you were too far away to stop him. It pissed me off so bad.
Another one is Dos Gigantes from Resident Evil 4. I'd always get double teamed trying to do the lava-pit-in-the-floor trick, and when I'd pull it off, the guy flailing in the lava would always somehow manage to grab me because of a weird glitch.
The respectable way to beat Phycho Mantis in the 1st Metal Gear Solid is to plug your controller into the second port, and then u will actually hit him. (For people who don't know, He will "read your mind, and predict your action before u do it" thus he will dodge pretty much all your attacks, unless u stop him from reading your mind, which is supposedly done by switching to the second controller.)
... And at the time i played the game, i was trying out a new PSX emulator, what i found out too late was, the fact that at the time, it ONLY SUPPORTED ONE CONTROLLER.
And thus that became one of the most annoying bosses for me. Without the second controller, it's almost impossible to beat him. He dodges about 98% of your shots Most of the time u will empty all your guns without hitting him more than 5 times.
So the only possible way to beat him was, so to make sure i had enough ammo to kill him, is to save state befoe the fight, shoot him a few times, if i don't hit, i had to load state, and do it again. Each time i hit him once, i would save state, and continue the process.
And it took AGES. A lot of load states just to hit him once. Loaded states no less than a few hundred times all together.
That emulator has actually undergone a lot of changes since, and is actually one of the best now.