Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Dick Smith Foods
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Pages: 1 2
eXx1l3d Australia TV ad.
(pocky Smith is a brand By the way)
weird ... but funny, in a way .. :p
wee had D smith in NZ too, but it was an electronic store chain
That's stupid! Hihi
Well, this is a thing.
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]wee had D smith in NZ too, but it was an electronic store chain

[Image: 1357930092.jpg]

? :D
I don't watch TV but other people in my house do and I somewhat remember seeing that ad. Might've been the censored version.

Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]wee had D smith in NZ too, but it was an electronic store chain

Wee have that here too anyway.
Who doesn't love Dick?
Pages: 1 2
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