Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Spring 2013 Chart
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Out the the stuff in the update Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S is the only one I'm bound to watch.
Mushibugyou and Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W added to my list.
Updated to v2.0
Also going to check out "Miyakawa-ke no Kuufuku".
I think next season will be backlog season.
already watched Devil Survivor 2, and yeah it has boobies, hehehe

but great episode, but i still prefer the video game version hehehe
Watched Shingeki no Kyojin last night. Totally disturbing. 11/10.
yeah crazy episode that is, hehehe

and Awesome animation for episode 4 of Shingeki no Kyojin can't wait for episode 5
TatsuyaXD Wrote: [ -> ]Watched Shingeki no Kyojin last night. Totally disturbing. 11/10.

That's what I want to hear! Hope it keeps that pace... but my hopes are always destroyed.
Great episode for Shingeki no Kyojin, hope for more titan action next time, and Aku no Hana, being one of my favorite series this season hehehe
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