05/01/2013, 03:43 AM
have I ever told you... I have a fear of balloons... I think when I was a kid I use to think that balloons had feelings... that they were happy creatures that just wanted nothing more than to float around and be friendly and stuff.... One day after one of our birthdays my brother and I had a lot of balloons left over, but wee had to clean our room.... There was no way and around it... Now I didn't want to clean the room... I hated it... and I didn't want to pop the balloons... so I ended up standing in the corner in time out, while my step father essentially performed, what seemed to me to be balloon genocide... it wasn't his fault. It had to be done really. But even now... when I see a balloon, even though in my head I know it can't feel and that it isn't alive... that it has no emotion. In my heart I still picture it as this happy floating thing, and I can't bring myself to kill it... I hate balloons. More specifically, I hate them popping... and I especially hate popping them...
Tomorrow I will have to return to my dorm room
after being suspended from university
to collect my things
there within lies left over balloons from my birthday
most of them will be dead
and I can except that
but there are several metallic ones... three at least,
and I'm going to have to pop them
now I'm not afraid of them
but I feel bad for them
they could have lived quite long
it's such a pity...
Tomorrow I will have to return to my dorm room
after being suspended from university
to collect my things
there within lies left over balloons from my birthday
most of them will be dead
and I can except that
but there are several metallic ones... three at least,
and I'm going to have to pop them
now I'm not afraid of them
but I feel bad for them
they could have lived quite long
it's such a pity...