Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Winter 2012/2013 Anime Chart v2
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Oh man is the winter season already underway? Once again I'm late to the party
First episode of Ore no Kanojo looks interesting - has potential but I'm feeling pessimistic about how it'll turn out.
can peeps telll me where they get there updates from.

Used to get them all from instantz.net with ddl links but it got taken down.

now i can't tell what updates or is out.
squee666 Wrote: [ -> ]can peeps telll me where they get there updates from.

Used to get them all from instantz.net with ddl links but it got taken down.

now i can't tell what updates or is out.

animetake.com (for new & on-going series)
ok probably gonna check out

mondai ji tachi
boku wa tomodachi NEXT
ore no kanojo
maoyuu maou yuusha
tamako market
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]Finished Nekomonogatari now it's time to wait for Kizumonogatari.

Where can I find a good stream of nekomonogatari? Just finished the first 2 seasons on crunchy roll.
I found some here but I dunno what they're like.
Decided I'm going to watch:

Ai Mai Mi
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha
Tamako Market
Savanna Game
Vividred Operation
Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited - Hyoubu Kyousuke
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