Endless Paradigm

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Kick donkey and congratulations!!!  
I'm going to the baby dr tomorrow for our last ultra sound.  Little boy due at the end of january.  Unfortunately I lost the "is it a boy or a girl bet" and were doing a traditional name.  Joseph John Michael Miller, joey jojo shabado for fun.  Had it been a girl her name would be Ma~ just like that. (that's Matilda I case you couldn't figure it out)

Fatherhood is crazy!  You will soon learn the REAL definition of "tired".  my daughter is now 3 and it just keeps getting better!

Maybe someday they will post together on endlessparadigmjr.com lol
I didn't understand at first lol.

i still don't quite get it =P

Congrats proper =)
SchmilK Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe someday they will post together on endlessparadigmjr.com lol


congratulations ProperBritish!!! :D:D:D:D
Spoiler for first ultrasound image:
[Image: 2012-12-03%2019.11.11.jpg]
mind blown xD
Ooh smexy.  Nekked pictures of an unborn child on the netz.
So is that supposed to be like male or female?
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]So is that supposed to be like male or female?

Wee don't know yet, wee won't be able to tell for a good few weeks yet. Next scan is on 11th January :3
SchmilK Wrote: [ -> ]Ma~ just like that. (that's Matilda I case you couldn't figure it out)

This made me lol
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]So is that supposed to be like male or female?

too early to tell but from what I can see right now it appears to be human
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