Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Photosensitivity
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Pages: 1 2
Holy spoon, guys... Don't burn your eyes. I woke up and it felt like someone was violently grinding broken glass into my eyes, and I knew that I had eye burn, from welding at this point, but for some reason, I went upstairs into the bathroom without my sunglasses on, and when I flipped that light on, I just about had a heart attack. BE CAREFUL! TRUST ME! O-O
Wear proper safety equipment.
I've heard arc eye can be pretty bad... never tried welding myself so wouldn't know
Yeah uh...you're supposed to wear a mask when welding.
That doesn't help when I'm dousing my metal and someone sets their machine to 300 amps without their curtain closed Erk
The only question I have is...

How do you know what having broken glass grinding into your eyes feels like?

I'm calling bullchocolate on that one.
Well, sand, dirt, any coarse, and small particle, but I think it feels pretty close to what fine glass dust is like. I don't mean broken glass shards, I mean dust.
i only have photosensitivity to sunlight... but yeah that sucks.
Sometimes I get blinded by a bright light when I'm half dreaming and it causes me to wake up.
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]Sometimes I get blinded by a bright light when I'm half dreaming and it causes me to wake up.
Source: YouTube
Pages: 1 2
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