as you guys may or may not know i do a bit of recording in my spare time... i have had my new interface this week (focusrite saffire pro 40 if anyone's interested) and I'm getting a macbook soon... trying to decide on a DAW to use... atm i use cubase 5 and really like using it but it's a crack that's only available on windows and cubase 6 is pretty expensive... i want to know if anyone here has any experience with logic or pro tools... i may be able to find a cheap second hand copy of cubase if I'm lucky and in that case I'll probably stick with cubase but it would be nice to hear some opinions on the other two
I don't know many for OS X. Ableton is decent.
Yeah, If it was me, I'd go for Ableton or something. I've heard Reason is good, although haven't had any experience on it.
Also heard the team behind FL Studio were working on developing a mac version. But whatever.
This thread reminds me of this.
Renoise 4 lyfe.
If you don't like the tracker setup, which I doubt you will, Ableton Live is da best.
I'm pretty tempted by logic to be honest, looks very similar to cubase and will probably be better on a mac... i might go for one of the ones mentioned here because i would like to start producing as well as recording but it all comes down to how much i can afford atm
Ableton live is really good on both platforms. Reason is good for producing and Logic is good for mixing. If you're doing recording, Pro Tools is definitely the one to use. All of them are very powerful when used in the right ways to be honest