Endless Paradigm

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Peace Walker Wrote: [ -> ]GIMP user.

I am not amuse.

What's wrong with GIMP?
Joomsy Wrote: [ -> ]
Peace Walker Wrote: [ -> ]GIMP user.

I am not amuse.

What's wrong with GIMP?

I can type you a whole article about what's wrong with GIMP.

I don't feel like wasting time, so to make it short, GIMP is way too easy. It does not require to learn what each tool does and what more you can do with it. Basically, its a program for newbies. Yeah, the final results are amazing, but all credit goes to the Program, not the person who actually created every single effect in it.
^Meh.... He uses GIMP better than you use PS :P
xBu Wrote: [ -> ]^Meh.... He uses GIMP better than you use PS :P
I don't really care.

All I'll say is that my work is more legit than his.
lol..... no, its not.
Peace Walker Wrote: [ -> ]
xBu Wrote: [ -> ]^Meh.... He uses GIMP better than you use PS :P
I don't really care.

All I'll say is that my work is more legit than his.

No it's not you retard so get off your high horse and stop acting so high and mighty
^ lol double you tee eff at this whole second page so far

Anyways, nice work sir.

Overall, it's a real mixed bag material and style-wise so I get how you've gotten good at certain things.

Keep it up - looking forward to seeing more.
How is Photoshop work more "legit"? They're both image manipulation software. One's just free. I also fail to see how GIMP is easier than Photoshop. I don't know how to use either, but at least I can resize something properly in GIMP. Is someone not a real 3D modeler if they use something other than C4D?
I use both photoshop and gimp. :)

Photoshop is easier to use than gimp, I have to say.
Peace Walker Wrote: [ -> ]GIMP user.

I am not amuse.

You're not amused but you are a pocky.
Pages: 1 2 3 4
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