Felix Baumgartner hit Mach 1.24, or 1342Km/h, on his 39Km free-fall down to Earth that lasted 4 minutes 20 seconds. On October 14, 2012, 8 million people watched this iconic jump live YouTube.
"Sometimes you have to go up really high to understand how small you are" - Felix Baumgartner
I guess that makes me 1 in 8 million then, lol
I'll never be able to get into space :(
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]I'll never be able to get into space :(
don't remind me ;-;
It takes a lot of guts to jump from the edge of space
I Respect him alot
Saw it last night via YowTub.
127,800+ feet from the ground. Jumped and rolled. Maybe it felt like some meteoroid falling from the sky. lol
hibbyware Wrote: [ -> ]I guess that makes me 1 in 8 million then, lol
Make that 2 in 8 million, because I totally missed that
That is an amazing feat though.