Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Horror Anime
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Puella Magi Madoka Magica is apparently considered horror and I say apparently because it listed as horror wherever I seem to go yet I personally didn't find it horrifying in anyway.

Looking through anime that's managed to remain on my HDD, the only horror anime I seem to have is Higurashi :/
one horror anime ive remember is Shiki, but havent tried to watch it though
"another" is the only actual horror anime that comes to mind
I've been told I need to watch Another, but I've yet to download it due to laziness. Also, Corpse Party seems very interesting. I've read about the game, so I assume the manga has to be better than it.
I heard mixed things about Another. Specifically that the gore/violence is overused and becomes somewhat boring towards the end.
That is strictly personal preference. I did think all the blood was overused but it's a horror anime all right.
Joomsy Wrote: [ -> ]I've been told I need to watch Another, but I've yet to download it due to laziness. Also, Corpse Party seems very interesting. I've read about the game, so I assume the manga has to be better than it.

The game is the original version. The PSP version that came out in English is a remake.
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]The PSP version that came out in English is a remake.

Yeah, I knew that much.
im playing Corpse party in my ps vita and the horror aspect is very good hehehe
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