12/09/2012, 12:43 PM
![[Image: Plugin%20Tile.png]](http://dl.dropbox.com/u/22694408/Plugin%20Tile.png)
![[Image: ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg]](http://webassetsb.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg)
![[Image: originalsource.png]](http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/2134/originalsource.png)
I finally finished my PSP plugins thread on wololo.net, and so here is a PSP plugin pack that contains 100 unique PSP plugins for L/CFW/HEN 6.XX. You can check the description of each plugin from the source page. Password = bsanehi
Spoiler for List of plugins:
1: Custom Firmware Extender v3.1 [3.90 to 6.XX support]
2: Game Categories v1.3b [6.20 to 6.60 support]
3: Password lock v3 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
4: Game Categories Lite v1.5 R3 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
5: Dayviewer v7
6: PSNLover BETA v1.2 [5.00 to 6.20 support]
7: Hold+ v4.0 [5.00 to 6.XX support]
8: CXMB for 3.71-6.60 [3.71 to 6.60 support]
9: PSPconsole v1.7 [5.XX to 6.20 support]
10: Audio Boost [6.2X to 6.6X support]
11: UMD Dump kai v2
12: RemoteJoyLite v0.19 6.XX
13: MP3PlayerPlugin v3.3 Fix [6.00 to 6.60 support]
14: Music PRX [3.90 to 6.XX support]
15: JoySens v1.5
16: FX Powerspoof v0.3
17: AutoStart PRX v5.6
18: TempAR v1.63
19: LED Control v0.4.2
20: HUD v2.2
21: PaintOnXMB v1
22: Andromida v6.1
23: MacroFire v3.2.9
24: PSP3D.prx v2.21
25: TweakDISPLAY v1.0.1151
26: Adhoc To USB v2 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
27: Liberty City Stories Cheat Device v1.0g
28: Vice City Stories Cheat Device v2.4
29: Profile Manager v1.0.35
30: Gameboot Skip
31: PspStatesMenu_Pict v1.06-2 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
32: ResourceHidder [6.2X to 6.6X support]
33: Localizer™ [5.00 to 6.60 support]
34: SimplySaver [6.2X to 6.6X support]
35: Spoofer v0.5 Fix [5.00 to 6.60 support]
36: Spoofer v0.7.1 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
37: CustomHOMEbeta v1.1.0 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
38: Power Controller v5.3.0
39: Krap-psp v1.21 + Lite version
40: PRXshot v0.4.0
41: XMBctrl [Freecore] v1.5.5
42: pprefs v1.131 + lite v1.031
43: FreeCheat v1.0.12.18
44: PSPEText v1.1 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
45: Full PopsLoader v4f1 + v4bA4
46: NoUMD 6.XX
47: DarkFrost v5.1
48: FuSa SD For 6.39 ME-9
49: NPdecrypter v0.11
50: NPloader v0.9
51: MagicSave v3.62a
52: QuickBoot v3.1
53: FreeStop v2.3 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
54: SV Capture v0.5
55: Pergame Custom v1.01 + Pergame Edit v1.33
56: VSHPong
57: CWCHEAT v0.2.3 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
58: ISOchange v0.3
59: Volumecontrol v1.4 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
60: Volume Control v2.0 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
61: bright3.prx v0.02 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
62: SSSSS v0.2 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
63: USB Version Fake [5.00 to 6.60 support]
64: GetInfo v1.2 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
65: SaveDataMgr v1.0 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
66: Resource Block [6.00 to 6.60 support]
67: Ptextviewer v1.03-2 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
68: Extended OSK v2 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
69: Game Menu v7 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
70: XMB™ Item Hider v.1.2 Fix 2 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
71: Stopwatch v1.6 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
72: ZeroVSH Patcher v0.2 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
73: Media Controller v2.0.2 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
74: EzDriverChanger v1.0 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
75: SecondDisplay v1.7 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
76: Download Manager v1.0 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
77: EzGameReset v2.0 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
78: ExPowerSwitch v1.2 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
79: PSP Power Saver v0.1.1 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
80: AutoMute v2.0.1 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
81: Simple Battery Viewer v1.3 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
82: WallpaperChanger v1.3 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
83: BlinkLED v1.1 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
84: Slide+ v1.1 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
85: In-Game DayViewer v7 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
86: SystemMenu plugin v10.0 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
87: StxtEditor v1.0 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
88: XMB Icon Manager [6.20 to 6.60 support]
89: ChangeLog v3.6 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
90: ClockBlock v1 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
91: PluginManager v4 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
92: Analog Block v1 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
93: Automatic Load txt v0.3 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
94: PowerLocker v1.1 Fix 2 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
95: BatteryWarning v1.0 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
96: CFW Folder Blocker v1.1 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
97: WallpaperChanger v1.3 Mod 2 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
98: Savegame Deemer v1.11 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
99: Hide My Movies v1.0 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
100: SMB v0.40 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
2: Game Categories v1.3b [6.20 to 6.60 support]
3: Password lock v3 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
4: Game Categories Lite v1.5 R3 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
5: Dayviewer v7
6: PSNLover BETA v1.2 [5.00 to 6.20 support]
7: Hold+ v4.0 [5.00 to 6.XX support]
8: CXMB for 3.71-6.60 [3.71 to 6.60 support]
9: PSPconsole v1.7 [5.XX to 6.20 support]
10: Audio Boost [6.2X to 6.6X support]
11: UMD Dump kai v2
12: RemoteJoyLite v0.19 6.XX
13: MP3PlayerPlugin v3.3 Fix [6.00 to 6.60 support]
14: Music PRX [3.90 to 6.XX support]
15: JoySens v1.5
16: FX Powerspoof v0.3
17: AutoStart PRX v5.6
18: TempAR v1.63
19: LED Control v0.4.2
20: HUD v2.2
21: PaintOnXMB v1
22: Andromida v6.1
23: MacroFire v3.2.9
24: PSP3D.prx v2.21
25: TweakDISPLAY v1.0.1151
26: Adhoc To USB v2 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
27: Liberty City Stories Cheat Device v1.0g
28: Vice City Stories Cheat Device v2.4
29: Profile Manager v1.0.35
30: Gameboot Skip
31: PspStatesMenu_Pict v1.06-2 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
32: ResourceHidder [6.2X to 6.6X support]
33: Localizer™ [5.00 to 6.60 support]
34: SimplySaver [6.2X to 6.6X support]
35: Spoofer v0.5 Fix [5.00 to 6.60 support]
36: Spoofer v0.7.1 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
37: CustomHOMEbeta v1.1.0 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
38: Power Controller v5.3.0
39: Krap-psp v1.21 + Lite version
40: PRXshot v0.4.0
41: XMBctrl [Freecore] v1.5.5
42: pprefs v1.131 + lite v1.031
43: FreeCheat v1.0.12.18
44: PSPEText v1.1 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
45: Full PopsLoader v4f1 + v4bA4
46: NoUMD 6.XX
47: DarkFrost v5.1
48: FuSa SD For 6.39 ME-9
49: NPdecrypter v0.11
50: NPloader v0.9
51: MagicSave v3.62a
52: QuickBoot v3.1
53: FreeStop v2.3 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
54: SV Capture v0.5
55: Pergame Custom v1.01 + Pergame Edit v1.33
56: VSHPong
57: CWCHEAT v0.2.3 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
58: ISOchange v0.3
59: Volumecontrol v1.4 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
60: Volume Control v2.0 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
61: bright3.prx v0.02 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
62: SSSSS v0.2 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
63: USB Version Fake [5.00 to 6.60 support]
64: GetInfo v1.2 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
65: SaveDataMgr v1.0 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
66: Resource Block [6.00 to 6.60 support]
67: Ptextviewer v1.03-2 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
68: Extended OSK v2 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
69: Game Menu v7 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
70: XMB™ Item Hider v.1.2 Fix 2 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
71: Stopwatch v1.6 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
72: ZeroVSH Patcher v0.2 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
73: Media Controller v2.0.2 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
74: EzDriverChanger v1.0 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
75: SecondDisplay v1.7 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
76: Download Manager v1.0 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
77: EzGameReset v2.0 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
78: ExPowerSwitch v1.2 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
79: PSP Power Saver v0.1.1 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
80: AutoMute v2.0.1 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
81: Simple Battery Viewer v1.3 [6.00 to 6.60 support]
82: WallpaperChanger v1.3 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
83: BlinkLED v1.1 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
84: Slide+ v1.1 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
85: In-Game DayViewer v7 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
86: SystemMenu plugin v10.0 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
87: StxtEditor v1.0 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
88: XMB Icon Manager [6.20 to 6.60 support]
89: ChangeLog v3.6 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
90: ClockBlock v1 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
91: PluginManager v4 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
92: Analog Block v1 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
93: Automatic Load txt v0.3 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
94: PowerLocker v1.1 Fix 2 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
95: BatteryWarning v1.0 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
96: CFW Folder Blocker v1.1 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
97: WallpaperChanger v1.3 Mod 2 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
98: Savegame Deemer v1.11 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
99: Hide My Movies v1.0 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
100: SMB v0.40 [5.00 to 6.60 support]