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SaveGame_Saver v0.6

[Image: pic_0000.png]

This tool (developed on the Rinnegatamante LuaPlayer Plus) allows you to work with the folder containing the game saves (ms0 :/ PSP / SAVEDATA), giving to the user the ability to:

     to backup theSAVEDATA folder;
     to restore the SAVEDATA folder;
     to reset the SAVEDATA folder (emptying it without deleting it);
     completely delete the folder and all files it contains;

Things to indicate to potential users are:

that the phases of backup, restore, or delete operation, are not immediate, and they need a second (30 sec, 1 min at most), but the time it takes depends on the amount of saves that are in the folder ... do not think this is crashed all, because during these phases remains on the screen, a message such as "backup in progress ..." , And you have to wait ... after the operation the program will automatically return to the main menu ...

another important thing is that in the automatically erase mode, you have simply to press a single time the key combination for the elimination of a single savegame, if you hold down the button combination for a few seconds, the program continues to eliminate savegame without updating the list, because it is too fast ... to avoid this problem you have to press the key combination, and then release them immediately, you should see almost immediately a message that confirms the you have correctly removed the savegame.

DOWNLOAD GAME » http://www.mediafire.com/?7t7wek8j5bo11pn
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