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Full Version: Microsoft Reveals New Logo
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[Image: 6864microsoftlogopng450.png]

Micro$oft ha$ unveiled its new logo. Thi$ update is coming after 25 year$ of u$ing the $ame logo (Get it? It's dollar signs because money!). Alexandra Petri over at the Washington Post offered some alternative logos, all done in MS Paint:
[Image: microsofto.jpg]

Source: The Official Microsoft Blog via Washington Post
whjms Wrote: [ -> ]The function of RAM is to give guys a way of deciding whose computer has the biggest, studliest, most tumescent MEMORY. This is important, because with today's complex software, the more memory a computer has, the faster it can produce error messages. So, the bottom line is, if you're a guy, you cannot have enough RAM. BILL GATES currently has over 743 billion 'megs' of RAM, and he still routinely feels the need to stuff a ZUCCHINI in his UNDERWEAR.
-- Excerpt from Dave Barry in Cyberspace

You look like you need more RAM. Trust me.
It's so... bland.
Its the same logo, just redesigned. Just like from win95 to XP, then XP to Vista, then Vista to 7. The logo changed each time, but kept the same theme, just like here.
I guess they're taking the 'Super-Minimalistic' styling. It's alright I guess.
I dunno, I liked this one a lot.

[Image: Microsoft-Logo.jpg]
I guess the designer of the logo was payed several millions.
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