Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [blog/video] Politically Correct Language
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Mind you this has nothing to do with starcraft, (till 23:00), but a pretty cool discussion based on context and usage of language.

Synopsis is basically a guy wanted to report a starcraft livestreamer for his usage of the n-word (rage gaming sense) and this was the discussion between the two that followed.

Not exactly boretube (long video), so I decided to put it on my blog since talking is my thing.

 Oh HELL NAW am I sharing my opinions on this, I need to be politically correct so I don't offend anyone. 
Vacui☆Natale Wrote: [ -> ]But yeah, I don't really see the issue that Guy A is taking with Guy B.

I think it was something along the lines of racial profiling and that he shouldn't be allowed to say those things on stream (he was trying to get him bant from any sponsors supporting him).
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