Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Leaked RIAA report shows P2P only contributes to 15% of music acquisitions
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Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]Didn't think hard drive trading would be that popular though. Huh..

Especially not with the increasing price of hard drives...

Why does it matter, it's not like you're trading away your HDD.  What you're doing is bring an portable/external to some other dude's house and ripping a copy of all his music.

wouldn't that fall under the burning/ripping from others category?
after all, physical CDs have their own category...
Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]wouldn't that fall under the burning/ripping from others category?
after all, physical CDs have their own category...

"Physical CDs" is people buying CDs.  Burning/ripping is people burning/ripping someone else's CD.
I would presume USB sticks etc fall under "hard drives".
I am interested in where the Youtube category falls in...
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]I would presume USB sticks etc fall under "hard drives".
I am interested in where the Youtube category falls in...

Listen to music yeah, but download music from youtube?  I don't think a whole lot of people do that.
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]I would presume USB sticks etc fall under "hard drives".
I am interested in where the Youtube category falls in...

Listen to music yeah, but download music from youtube?  I don't think a whole lot of people do that.
It's the RIAA.  If it's not authorised by them, they'll use the figures to make the issue sound worse.
You may not consider it downloading, but wee all know that internally, streaming operates like a download.
Well the chart is labelled "Music Acquisition", and youtube doesn't really fit into any of the catagories, so it's most logical to conclude it's not counted.

Also 35% paid for music is pretty good, I would have expected less.
im the one usually download some music in youtube using my android phone, but most of the time i ripped someone cd or buy some pirated cd that have some mp3 compiled in 1 disc, lol
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