Endless Paradigm

Full Version: MIT develop new glasses-free realistic 3D display
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So there's a number of glasses-free 3D display solutions available, but these work by projecting different images into each eye.
This is something rather different:
Quote:As striking as it is, the illusion of depth now routinely offered by 3-D movies is a paltry facsimile of a true three-dimensional visual experience. In the real world, as you move around an object, your perspective on it changes. But in a movie theater showing a 3-D movie, everyone in the audience has the same, fixed perspective — and has to wear cumbersome glasses, to boot.

Despite impressive recent advances, holographic television, which would present images that vary with varying perspectives, probably remains some distance in the future. But in a new paper featured as a research highlight at this summer’s Siggraph computer-graphics conference, the MIT Media Lab’s Camera Culture group offers a new approach to multiple-perspective, glasses-free 3-D that could prove much more practical in the short term.
Source: http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2012/glass...-0712.html

Check out the above source for a video which demonstrates how it all works.
This sounds TOO good to be true.
[Image: 1276505724942.png]
Now that's something, erm...
I don't know, I feel like the 3D trend is just going to fade out in a couple of years personally. Then again I said the same thing about iPods and then Blu-ray so chances are it'll stick around until something better kills it. I do like the idea of glasses-free 3D because of my experience with the 3DS however I don't think it will work as perfect as a company would like to have it. Nor is it good for every situation, for me if there is too much light or too little the 3D effect tends to not work properly. However there are many factors that could effect this such as me setting the slider to the max instead of a specific level, also I tend to keep the unit's brightness level on 1 and have the battery saving function on. Time will only tell how well this technology will work, when it will happen and who will be the first to invest and produce it for public use.
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