Endless Paradigm

Full Version: KFC Philippines do have Cheese on top of Burger
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I love how someone's like "OMG it's so amazing I love cheese and having on top of the burger is like Oh My Gosh, it's awesome!" and how another guy is like "This is stupid"

I might try it next time I'm over there
Dotdotdot why?
meh,.. cheesy though,..
cheesy idea imo
KFC sucks anyway...
im like W  T F when i saw this 2 days ago

jammz Wrote: [ -> ]I might try it next time I'm over there

wow, your from the PH? :D

andrewcc Wrote: [ -> ]KFC sucks anyway...

don't let the burga man hear you say that :/
andrewcc Wrote: [ -> ]KFC sucks anyway...

Correction: YOUR KFC sucks.

The KFCs here are the best.
I got to say the KFCs around where I live suck and are not very clean...
andrewcc Wrote: [ -> ]KFC sucks anyway...

lol zingaburga came from KFC, lol
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