Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I Just Broke the Screen of my Droid
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Pages: 1 2
most people do upgrade their phones after 2.5 years

why not just use the new phone for the mp3 playing as well?
Maybe im lucky , my phone touchscreen is 4 euro.
some people don't let go their phone so easyly , i still keep my first ever phone i bought...year 99
i could say the grandfather of all smartphones Alcatel OT com , battery is dead thought
gsmoke Wrote: [ -> ]Must be a way to change it!
I got mine broken and i changed it , now i got a new scratch ,
so soon ill buy new touchscreen and change it again.

There is a way but to get to the screen I would have to take apart the entire thing and since it still works and I'm getting a new phone on friday i don't think its worth the time and money to fix it

Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]most people do upgrade their phones after 2.5 years

why not just use the new phone for the mp3 playing as well?

Good Point
Maybe Then I might use it for emulators and Such
Pages: 1 2
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