Endless Paradigm

Full Version: pspbtconf for 3.51M33
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I was taking a look through the flash0 folders of my M33 psp, and in the KN folder, I noticed that there is no pspbtconf text document. That means no cxmb and none of those themes that use it! I did notice, however, that there is a pspbtconf.bin, but I'm not sure if that was already there to begin with.  Did anyone else notice that the text document was missing? or is it just my psp? Is it something that can be fixed up so that I can at least use things like cxmb?
Until people figure out the format for that file...  can't do much.  bstronga looks like he's up for the challenge :D
it sounds signchecked..
hmm ok I see
back to 3.40oe! lol
here is one...
i haven't updated indexes for pops/umd/iso's yet though :S
which makes it pretty useless ;p

I'm have been quite busy these days Erk
thanks guy, any hints on 0x7B0 ~ 0x8E5?
umd/pops indexes updated...

making it actually usable now ;p

i hope you guys can do some bug testing for me, i did completly by hand and that on a lazy mood :o

@matchung i was beeing lazy ;o
as i had to shift the indexes the hashs weren't in the correct place so i just blanked them out :>
a nice message is there now ;p
can post the rough pspbtcnf.bin format if you interested.
I will i was just looking for sum good trunks anyway
bstronga Wrote:umd/pops indexes updated...

making it actually usable now ;p

i hope you guys can do some bug testing for me, i did completly by hand and that on a lazy mood :o

@matchung i was beeing lazy ;o
as i had to shift the indexes the hashs weren't in the correct place so i just blanked them out :>
a nice message is there now ;p
can post the rough pspbtcnf.bin format if you interested.
thanks for your hard working.

i tried using your vsh one and modified the offset to add a prx, but failed.. im too silly on this kind of job...

if can post the rough on, it will be great, thanks.
Si what did you do actually on this .bin? Added a reference to VSH.PRX?
I tested your .BIN with a 3.51 VSH.PRX (Almot same size that encrypted?!?!) in VSH/NODULE folder... My PSP doesn't boot any more...
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