What do you do when your country goes to war with a country you have friends in ?
Ah yeah did I forget to say you & your friends are in a military ?
nothing personal but I'm going to have to kill you now lol. that's so sad
Get wasted for that last time, then open fire on each other lol
Man 1: Hey Brother!
Man 2: Hey!
* Man 1 hugs Man 2, then stabs Man 2 in the back
Man 1: Thas fo' being in that country, bitch!
Loyalty to your friend or your country.
Country wins for me.
get my survival kit and look for that high ground.
What are the chances you'd meet each other anyway?
Even if you did, if you're enough of a patriot to fight for your country I guess you'd kill anyone who's fighting against it.
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]What are the chances you'd meet each other anyway?
Depends on the size of the countries really.
Well, replace "country" with "family" and you get something like Romeo and Juliet.
Anyway, can try shuffling yourself to the back ranks. Or since nowadays, you don't really need that much infantry any more, just hope deaths are done by random mass explosives, or everyone's in a tank or similar. Then you can blame someone else for killing your friend.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Then you can blame someone else for killing your friend.
![[Image: BKBOI.jpg]](http://i.imgur.com/BKBOI.jpg)