03/06/2012, 04:51 AM
03/06/2012, 04:55 AM
Hmm... Nisekoi.
Kirisaki, not bad profile pic.
Kirisaki, not bad profile pic.
03/06/2012, 05:11 AM
Why I can't hide the VSH Menu on the XMB?
03/06/2012, 05:42 AM
wew why triple post
cause they didn't add that feature
grimmjow66 Wrote: [ -> ]Why I can't hide the VSH Menu on the XMB?
cause they didn't add that feature
03/06/2012, 08:40 AM
I would like to mention that there is also a client update as well ([ONLINE CLIENT] Public Beta 0.09 (R55)) so you'll have to update that as well
which you can get here> http://forum.prometheus.uk.to/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=23
just a quick edit: the client is currently on Public Beta 0.10 (R58) but the link as I said will always take you to the updated online client.
which you can get here> http://forum.prometheus.uk.to/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=23
just a quick edit: the client is currently on Public Beta 0.10 (R58) but the link as I said will always take you to the updated online client.
04/06/2012, 11:06 AM
Works Perfectly on my PSP 2001
Glad to see that PRO-C Finally got released
Thank you Coldbird!
Glad to see that PRO-C Finally got released
Thank you Coldbird!

05/06/2012, 06:41 AM
voyager9 Wrote: [ -> ]I would like to mention that there is also a client update as well ([ONLINE CLIENT] Public Beta 0.09 (R55)) so you'll have to update that as well
which you can get here> http://forum.prometheus.uk.to/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=23
Why does my psp freeze every time I go enter on the online lobby of Dissidia Duodecim?
Another one is that when I press the home button is says waiting for connection...
05/06/2012, 08:36 AM
psp 1000 bricked on this update...
it was pro b10 updated to pro c, looks successful as it shows on system information 6.60 PRO C
sadly when i fully turned off the psp and turned it back on, it just turns on green light, doesn't work on recovery either
any fix for it? or it just happened that PSP 1k isn't supported?
psp 1000 bricked on this update...
it was pro b10 updated to pro c, looks successful as it shows on system information 6.60 PRO C
sadly when i fully turned off the psp and turned it back on, it just turns on green light, doesn't work on recovery either
any fix for it? or it just happened that PSP 1k isn't supported?
05/06/2012, 08:41 AM
foxim8ly Wrote: [ -> ]REPORT:
psp 1000 bricked on this update...
it was pro b10 updated to pro c, looks successful as it shows on system information 6.60 PRO C
sadly when i fully turned off the psp and turned it back on, it just turns on green light, doesn't work on recovery either
any fix for it? or it just happened that PSP 1k isn't supported?
did you use the CIPL flasher of PRO-C? if so that's the cause of the brick
Wee are investigating the matter! Until then... if you really need to install CIPL, please use PRO-C in combination with the CIPL installer from PRO-B10 fix1.
Thank you very much. ~ Coldbird
05/06/2012, 09:57 PM
Also it did say PSP 2000+ not 1000 series.