29/05/2012, 02:35 PM
29/05/2012, 02:48 PM
dark_mirage Wrote: [ -> ]ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]dark_mirage Wrote: [ -> ]Only I actually like classical music. Classical music calms me down, but I agree with pb, I don't know of a classical song that actually has a meaning behind it, I think classical songs were more made for the purpose of being beautiful, not making you think.
and dubstep/brostep/whateveryoucallitstep is designed to pump you up, get your adrenaline pumping and inspire feelings of energy, life. Just because it's some genre that's changed doesn't make it any less worth noting. Just because it has no lyrics does not make it completely meaningless. I bet there are a few people out there that have certain dubstep songs that have played in their memorable events of life. Be it on purpose or not, that song gains meaning to them. It changes for everyone.
It may not be nearly as intricate, complex or hard to make as classical music, rock, metal etc., but that does not make it less worthy of noting. People who do that are shallow and missing the point. Some of the most famous songs are painfully simple, even by metal or rock artists. Polly by Nirvana has something like 8 drum beats in the whole song, yet it's a great song. Complexity is generally what nearly everyone gets butthurt about with dubstep, that "anyone can get FL Studio and make dubstep". While that may be true to an extent, you still have to learn the software, some sort of musical appreciation of scales, tones, notiation, timbre and such. Just like when you learn guitar you have to learn all of that, you just apply it to guitar instead of a software program.
Nobody has any right to say what music anybody likes is poo poo if they like it. If they like it, so be it, just don't shove your music down their throats and expect them to just sit there and like it.
Ok, I never belittled anyone for listening to dubstep, and I sure as hell didn't try to "shove my music down their throat"
being so needlessly combative earlier kind of implies it
29/05/2012, 03:03 PM
Vacui☆Natale Wrote: [ -> ]Fuck, I wish this thread would die already.
Why? I find it rather funny.
29/05/2012, 03:07 PM
*xBu eats a cookie...

29/05/2012, 04:38 PM
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]Vacui☆Natale Wrote: [ -> ]Fuck, I wish this thread would die already.
Why? I find it rather funny.
Well, I think the people who like Dubstep in this thread are still going to like Dubstep. And the people who don't like it, are going to continue not liking Dubstep. So nothing really changes after all the arguing stops.
I don't like Dubstep either, but I feel no need to try to convince someone not to like it, or push what I think "real music" is, off on them. I don't care who listens to Dubstep. I don't care who listens to any genre of music that I'm not particularly fond of. It's none of my business. If listening to Dubstep makes them happy, then so be it.
29/05/2012, 05:31 PM
29/05/2012, 09:35 PM
I agree with Natalie. This thread went on for too long especially since it was just another idiotic Slushba thread but with an added side of dark_mirage being an IDIOT.
30/05/2012, 03:03 AM
Vacui☆Natale Wrote: [ -> ]I don't like Dubstep either, but I feel no need to try to convince someone not to like it, or push what I think "real music" is, off on them. I don't care who listens to Dubstep. I don't care who listens to any genre of music that I'm not particularly fond of. It's none of my business. If listening to Dubstep makes them happy, then so be it.
Well said, but there's always going to be debate in music, it's just the nature of conflicting tastes and for that reason I don't think that means the discussion should be stopped.
Everyone should be free to say what they want to say so long as it's on topic - if you chose to ignore, to quote Eku, "just another idiotic Slushba thread" which was clearly about Dubstep then you'd have never got riled up by the predictable result of such a thread.
Anyway, to stay on topic, dubstep has become too much of a banner for "heavy electronic music", it's worth trying out different types of electronic music to see if you like it, such as J12s suggestions - avid music listeners would do this anyway. As far as Skrillex is concerned, I find his stuff a whole lot more tolerable than a load of other "dubstep" producers that spawned as a result of his existance and his tunes prove to be a welcome break from the majority of US/UK mainstream pop which I find intolerable.
30/05/2012, 05:09 AM
30/05/2012, 05:43 AM