Endless Paradigm

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^ Best track off the album.. album itself was a bit disappointing overall though :(
Yea there is a few decent tracks. Takes awhile to get into for sure, but not as good as their other 2 albums :(
Technically art is about sending message one way or another
whether it be done via image, rhetoric, sound or any other method

Words are recognizable excerpts of sound that contain thoughts, ideas, and have memorized meaning behind them
While the sounds that make words can be used to build thoughts and ideas which portray meaning, sound itself doesn't require words or their structure to give itself meaning or make itself beautiful.

Words were born from sound, not the other way around

A picture is/can be worth a thousand words and such should be the same for a compilation of sounds

art is what moves you and makes you feel
regardless of the medium used

just my opinion
: |
Dubstep has no meaning, other than "POSDIRPEWOIURPOIDUFOIUDSFIODKSJFHLSDFUISDUFPIODSUHFIU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!"
I definitely don't think "Wow, skrillex has really shown me that breaking up with that girl isn't so bad..." or anything along those lines.
Dubstep gets my adrenaline flowing. That's the message I take from it :D

You want a dubstep song with a "meaning"? They exist:

Source: YouTube
Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]Technically art is about sending message one way or another
whether it be done via image, rhetoric, sound or any other method

Words are recognizable excerpts of sound that contain thoughts, ideas, and have memorized meaning behind them
While the sounds that make words can be used to build thoughts and ideas which portray meaning, sound itself doesn't require words or their structure to give itself meaning or make itself beautiful.

Words were born from sound, not the other way around

A picture is/can be worth a thousand words and such should be the same for a compilation of sounds

art is what moves you and makes you feel
regardless of the medium used

just my opinion


All music has a meaning behind it. It all portrays an emotion. Sorry DM, but a lot of electronic music has a deeper meaning than your hair metal. Most electronic music doesn't have a blatant message which leaves the listener to interpret anyway they want. It requires imagination. Now, this poo poo like Skrillex, I agree. It sounds like a dial-up modem giving birth. He's not trying to portray something. Just rhythmic grinding noises that just sound angsty.

Kuu Wrote: [ -> ]Dubstep gets my adrenaline flowing. That's the message I take from it :D

You want a dubstep song with a "meaning"? They exist:

Source: YouTube


Source: YouTube
Looks like imma have to learn you all some good music.

Source: YouTube

Source: YouTube

Source: YouTube

I love you, trademark
dark_mirage Wrote: [ -> ]Dubstep has no meaning

It does when you read the lyrics.
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