Endless Paradigm

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See, I do have mod powers
- Kuu

(This post was last modified: Today 05:34 PM by Kuu.)
Wait, I'm seeing buttons I shouldn't be seeing.  Waaaauuuugggghhhh!  Not sure if like!
Hey, I just noticed mah brigade symbol is gone! ಥ_ಥ

It means be afraid jammz, be very afraid.
Ehh, I already know I can't be trusted with this.  Mebby I'll get mahself a way back machine and undo the silliness and get mah Brigade badge back.
aww .. i missed the fun again Sadcorner
boogschd Wrote: [ -> ]aww .. i missed the fun again Sadcorner

me too Sadcorner
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]
boogschd Wrote: [ -> ]aww .. i missed the fun again Sadcorner

me too Sadcorner

lies ..
* boogschd rapes eku
games like a grrl Wrote: [ -> ]Wait, I'm seeing buttons I shouldn't be seeing.  Waaaauuuugggghhhh!  Not sure if like!
Hey, I just noticed mah brigade symbol is gone! ಥ_ಥ

Could you not have SOS Brigade as your Secondary group and then set it as your display group?

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