Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PS Vita VHBL r148 for Super Collapse 3
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Yay Its here! Yay

It is *strongly* recommended that you turn of all wireless connections on your PS Vita, and that you use OpenCMA on your PC instead of the regular CMA. This is recommended because otherwise your console has a way to force you to upgrade the firmware even before you get a chance to use the exploit.
Extract the HBL archive matching your version of the game in your CMA PSP Savedata folder. It is a folder on your PC named PSSAVEDATA/[lots of random characters here]. If you don’t know where it is, check your settings in CMA
Connect your PS Vita to the PC through the CMA, it should give you the possibility to copy the savedata from your PC to the Vita. If not, you probably extracted it in the wrong folder. (Note: You will also want to install some homebrews with a similar technique, read the section below)
To run HBL, start the game, select “Continue” in the Main Menu. Load the VHBL savegame, then go to “High Scores”. At this point, VHBL should start


Source Wololo
what can it run though? Homebrew and psp iso?
Just homebrew only.
Welp does nothing for me then. No use if I still have my PSP.
Got to wait on Davee's HEN then, doubt it will ever come out though.
For now Im still keeping my PSP. Even if I get a Vita. It can do and play more for the mean time.
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