Endless Paradigm

Full Version: HELP!! I need the original opening_plugin.rco for 6.20 FAST!
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Can someone help me with this? I tryed to look for it on google and I found nothing, My psp can still work but I cannot do gameboots, Please be fast, this is for psp 3000 6.20 prama 4g pro B10 fix 1. I hope you can help me....Whyowhy

I thought gameboots didn't go through opening_plugin though
Opening_plugin controls the duration of the gameboot, so without it, a gameboot can't happen
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...p?tid=4142

I thought gameboots didn't go through opening_plugin though

That will be very helpful if it wasn't Magaupload links...
Try the 6.10 - If I recall correctly Sony didn't change too much in the 6.xx versions.
Thanks I am going to try it out
Still no go :( can't you you reinstall the cfw? I know it is prama but will it work? Or someone can give me theres...
Should be able to - can you run the flasher from recovery menu?

Save a backup copy of all flash files next time before messing with them :P
There is no Flasher or if there is how can you get to it?
Here, give this 6.20 opening_plugin.rco a go:

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