So for the late reply but I fixed it!!! All I had to do was update to 6.39 then downgrade to 6.20 then rehack it, Thanks for help!! And Now I have back up my Flash0, Is there any good guides on how to change the colors on the waves and the sounds on the XMB? just wondering.
greenpsp Wrote: [ -> ]So for the late reply but I fixed it!!! All I had to do was update to 6.39 then downgrade to 6.20 then rehack it, Thanks for help!! And Now I have back up my Flash0, Is there any good guides on how to change the colors on the waves and the sounds on the XMB? just wondering.
just make a CTF maybe? it's safer than flashing IMO
try to unpack a CTF, you'll get a clue about what to do next.
I know how to put CTF themes on the psp with CXMB but I don't like it when I put the psp in sleep mode then turn it on I have to restart the psp plus I just want the click sound and the font and the color for the waves and that's it
I don't know, when I put the psp in sleep then come back to it and press any buttom it freezes and it shuts off
greenpsp Wrote: [ -> ]I don't know, when I put the psp in sleep then come back to it and press any buttom it freezes and it shuts off
well, that doesn't happen to me. been using ctf for a year now.
by the way making ctf is not necessarily being complex. you're allowed to just add/modify one small thing or two things. or if you're really have crazy idea you can change the whole xmb (to some extent).
another alternative, try zero rco patcher maybe? it's said to be able to use custom rco without flashing too.
Do CTF mate, it's just better on all accounts.
hmmm I just tried the cxmb and now I got this wierd error or bug, When I have a CTF theme on it would show the themes Icon and gameboot and coldboot but you can't see any writing, Maybe its becuase I have a different wave and I edited the coldboot?
have you actually modified some rco in the flash or ... ?
I modded the rco in flash again....but this time i have a back up but don't worry I have a list on what RCO do what so I just made a little theme in flash with the font that I like and guess what I can put it in sleep mode without shuting off!