Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PS Vita VHBL Exploit Game Name
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I bought the game on the US PSN for $9.99.

US, UK, Canada, Mexico, Finland, Czech, Sweden, and Poland PSN store should have it.

Edit: The game has been taken off PSN.

Source Wololo
From comments on the page, apparently game is still available.
Maybe it'll be pulled when the exploit is actually released?
Now that the name is out, it will be pulled pretty dam quick.

Edit: Its not on the NZ store. Tis accessible from my American account though. For now...
ive already bought it yesterday, ninja release is really useful (specially before the blog release the name game)

some says that it already removed in the ps store, i have not yet checked but they have a quick downtime earlier today
I had the Ninja a week ago, lol. It was so hard to keep it in but I did.

I am also wondering during the downtime of PSN if it was patched and put back on.

Edit: The game has been taken off PSN.
yeah also confirmed with other users, hehehe, so well wait for the vhbl files to come out maybe later this day
I will post it when it does unless someone beats me to it. ;)
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