Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Windows 8 Editions Revealed
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There will be three versions of Windows 8:
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 8 Pro
  • Windows 8 RT
Windows 8 RT is the ARM version.

For a complete comparison: http://windowsteamblog.com/windows/b/blo...tions.aspx
+ Windows 8 Enterprise
If they make a "Windows 8 No Fullscreen" edition I will buy it, I don't dislike Metro in itself just the fullscreen nature of it annoys me very much Dotdotdot
>Windows 8 Pro is aimed at business people and the like.
>Windows 8 Pro can't run MS Office.

Microsoft strikes again!
Le Jooms Wrote: [ -> ]>Windows 8 Pro is aimed at business people and the like.
>Windows 8 Pro can't run MS Office.

Then how are they supposed to do their jobs if they don't have MS Office?
Open Office of course.
They can all run office. RT will have a specific touch specific version of office.
running windows 8 consumer preview for 6 weeks now and works better then any windows i had evr tried,.. also there is some usefull win8 app already,.

pro's,.. almost everything
neg's autocad won't install,. because off framewerk version something something,.
extras in Pro Wrote:encryption, virtualization, PC management and domain connectivity
So essentially similar to Win7 Pro+Ultimate.

Interesting that the ARM version doesn't have Windows Media Player.
Also interesting is that they're reducing the number of versions.  MS feeling the pressure of competition?
Kuu Wrote: [ -> ]They can all run office. RT will have a specific touch specific version of office.

They need to update the feature list then.
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