I am wondering if there are any Japanese PSP games, PC games that can be played for fun and also help my Japanese learning.
I've tried some games but honestly all the kanji will blow right by me and I find myself not learning anything. and also not getting much review in what i already know...
So is there any games out there that are playable and basic enough??

Well, VN's (Visual novels*) are sort of like games, but if you're learning japanese... Dunno Some can be chalenging.
* Some are in english
I heard from a friend that all nintendo games (or at least he ones in the past) are all written in hirigana (which is babby japanese), maybe you should check it out?
Tetris999 Wrote: [ -> ]I heard from a friend that all nintendo games (or at least he ones in the past) are all written in hirigana (which is babby japanese), maybe you should check it out?
that is true ^
for example pokemon in japanese you can choose hiragana or kanji when you start the game.
also hiragana is not 'baby japanese', it's proper japanese just without using kanji, making the meaning very ambiguous, as kanji are delegated by meaning, hiragana/katakana by phonetics.
bazz Wrote: [ -> ]I am wondering if there are any Japanese PSP games, PC games that can be played for fun and also help my Japanese learning.
I've tried some games but honestly all the kanji will blow right by me and I find myself not learning anything. and also not getting much review in what i already know...
So is there any games out there that are playable and basic enough??
AKB 1/48 idol to guam de koishi-tara
i found most of the conversations are easy to understand and they use daily language.
also it's easy to retype most kanji(s) which appear by using windows language bar's setting, so that you can put it at something like google translate. (the kanji isn't as much as in usual VN)
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]that is true ^
for example pokemon in japanese you can choose hiragana or kanji when you start the game.
also hiragana is not 'baby japanese', it's proper japanese just without using kanji, making the meaning very ambiguous, as kanji are delegated by meaning, hiragana/katakana by phonetics.
According to some people versed in Japanese, having all hiragana and no kanji actually makes stuff a lot more difficult to read and understand than having both.
no games help learn japanese unless it has 100% voiceover.
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]objection!
no games help learn japanese unless it has 100% voiceover.
you should tell him how did you learn japanese then :P
ezunyan Wrote: [ -> ]Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]objection!
no games help learn japanese unless it has 100% voiceover.
you should tell him how did you learn japanese then :P
He's like living in Japan. Immersion is the best method of learning any language.
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]ezunyan Wrote: [ -> ]Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]objection!
no games help learn japanese unless it has 100% voiceover.
you should tell him how did you learn japanese then :P
He's like living in Japan. Immersion is the best method of learning any language.
yea,, i know that lol
isn't heartless a she by the way? =D