10/04/2012, 10:56 AM
By getting Dropbox on your Computer by going to this Link --»http://db.tt/7dnPgrj
Just do the stuff it ask you to do and you'll get Drobox. It doesn't take long.
What is Dropbox?
Well, for those who want to know, just Watch or Download the video below and you'll find out.
Watch Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFb0NaeRmdg
Download Video: http://www.sendspace.com/file/uzr8i5
Why do I want and need more space?
Well, because every PSP related stuff I post, I upload it to Dropbox for the public to download it fast and easy.
By Having more Space, I can Upload more PSP Stuff, and by Uploading More PSP Stuff, I can Post more PSP Stuff, The Public can get them Faster and Easier. Well, you get the point.[/i]
Just do the stuff it ask you to do and you'll get Drobox. It doesn't take long.
What is Dropbox?
Well, for those who want to know, just Watch or Download the video below and you'll find out.
Watch Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFb0NaeRmdg
Download Video: http://www.sendspace.com/file/uzr8i5
Why do I want and need more space?
Well, because every PSP related stuff I post, I upload it to Dropbox for the public to download it fast and easy.
By Having more Space, I can Upload more PSP Stuff, and by Uploading More PSP Stuff, I can Post more PSP Stuff, The Public can get them Faster and Easier. Well, you get the point.[/i]