PSP GO clock on PSP 2000 using ZeroVSH Patcher v0.2a by NightStar3 and codestation,
Cool! i had like the clock animation's!
You can use it in PSP 1000/3000 too

Thank god Ive been waiting this for Years and I was the 1st one to REQ abut this
Thank u soo much
~iRaiN~ Wrote: [ -> ]can i have that please?
If I was you I would just wait for the official release, and there is a few bugs that need to be fixed.
*Wifi doesn't work (and need's to be fixed)
bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]~iRaiN~ Wrote: [ -> ]can i have that please?
If I was you I would just wait for the official release, and there is a few bugs that need to be fixed.
*Wifi doesn't work (and need's to be fixed)
ok thanks! and sorry my bad.